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Liars, Leakers, and Liberals_The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy
Liars, Leakers, and Liberals_The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy Read online
Copyright © 2018 by Jeanine Pirro
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Title Page
Chapter 1 Here’s My Open
Chapter 2 Lying, Liberal, Fake News and Fiction
Chapter 3 Lying, Liberal Hollywood Hypocrites
Chapter 4 Lying Liberal RINOs
Chapter 5 Liberal Sanctuary Cities
Chapter 6 Lying, Leaking, Liberal Leadership
Chapter 7 Lying, Leaking Liberal Law Enforcement
Chapter 8 Lying and Leaking to Fix an Election
Chapter 9 The Liberal Insurance Policy
Chapter 10 The Lying, Leaking, Liberal Swamp’s Secret Court
Chapter 11 The Lying, Leaking, Liberal Witch Hunt
Chapter 12 The Real Trump Presidency
Chapter 13 The Trump Boomerang
Chapter 14 Some Closing Thoughts
To all the men and women who’ve made it their life’s mission to enforce our laws without fear or favor, leaving their politics at the door to ensure equal justice under the law for everyone. We salute them for their service to us and their unrelenting determination to protect this great nation.
Here’s My Open
As we approach the publication date for this book, I continue to be amazed at how quickly the news moves, especially in the age of Trump. And, as if Donald J. Trump’s election itself weren’t enough of a shock to our nation’s political core, the subsequent months have proved to be an even greater jolt.
The left-wing liberal media have savaged not only President Trump, but everyone around him. Anyone connected to the president is fair game: Melania, Ivanka, Jared, Don Jr., Eric, Lara, Tiffany, and even twelve-year-old Barron! The media have criticized everything about them, from their hair, accents, mannerisms, and styles, to their intelligence and patriotism. They’ve even been attacked for their choice of footwear. No one and nothing has been spared. If the first family had a dog, they would probably call it a Russian bot.
It was worse on social media. Lara told me when her pregnancy was announced there were posts from people saying they hoped she fell down the stairs and had a miscarriage. Just when you thought the Left couldn’t sink any lower, they did. Horrifying.
Those working in the White House haven’t been spared, either, from the highest-ranking marine general in the nation, now Chief of Staff John Kelly, to counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway, to White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, to former director of communications Hope Hicks.
The haters march, protest, riot, resist, obstruct, and jump into their ninja Antifa getups, suffering from “Trump derangement syndrome.” One woman, in particular, is still suffering as she wanders around the woods in Chappaqua, New York, searching for the reasons she lost.
Not even the people who voted for Trump have been spared. A chief White House correspondent for CNN recently said, “They don’t have all their faculties and in some cases their elevator might not hit all floors.” Jim Acosta has since said he wasn’t talking about Trump supporters, but we know what the liberal media think of Trump voters: They’re deplorables, idiots, rednecks, and people who cling to God, guns, and religion.
To those charges, I plead guilty—guilty and proud!
How We Got Here
Donald Trump came to us at a time when we needed his tough talk and unvarnished perspective. We had just suffered under an administration riddled with corruption, double talk, a feckless foreign policy, and a disastrous economy. This was an administration that approved the sale of 20 percent of America’s uranium to Russia with a $145 million payback to the Clinton Foundation, and a quick $500,000 to Bill for a speech in Moscow. Obama’s Department of Justice was so corrupt, so unlawful, so immoral that they tried to drag a corrupt woman across the 2016 presidential election finish line after she put our classified secrets at risk. They watched as she deleted thirty thousand emails and destroyed evidence. Those running a more than one-year-long so-called criminal investigation with no grand jury, no search warrants, no subpoenas, and prophylactic immunities for everyone involved—without requiring their testimony—allowed her to get away with it.
Our economy was in shambles. The workforce participation rate was lower than at any time in our nation’s history. Millions weren’t employed because they simply gave up looking for work. Hundreds of thousands were working three part-time jobs to make ends meet. While the Obama team said it was a healthy economy, there was barely a pulse. One percent annual GDP growth was the new normal for these bozos.
Meanwhile, there were some in the workforce who should not have been in the country in the first place. Record numbers of illegal aliens had crossed our borders. Along with jobs, they and their families helped themselves to tax-funded education, medication, and housing. And when the illegals committed crimes, they were given the best lawyers and translators the criminal justice system could buy. The same people who burned and trashed the American flag, driving around with the foreign flags of their home countries waving atop their vehicles, would kick, scream, and demand their constitutional rights, calling Americans racist if, God forbid, we tried to send them back to the countries their flags represented.
Speaking of God, people of faith across the country were faced with the dilemma of upholding the secular Obamacare law to provide abortifacients to pregnant women or violating God’s law. It seemed the government was not there to defend our First Amendment religious freedoms, but to gut them. Christians were horrified as the Obama administration dragged the Little Sisters of the Poor all the way to the US Supreme Court to force them to violate their religious beliefs.
Gun owners across the country were being blamed for every lunatic who took a weapon and killed others, while at the same time being lectured about not blaming all Muslims for the actions of a violent few. We were told how many
guns we should own, how big our clips should be, how many bullets we could keep in our magazines, or that we really should not have guns at all.
Globally, we had a president who couldn’t comprehend terrorism, calling ISIS a “JV team.” He couldn’t figure out whether to “contain them,” “dismantle them,” or “destroy them,” none of which he did. As this JV team unleashed brutal, inhumane genocide on innocent Christians across the Middle East and Africa, Obama spouted off at the National Prayer Breakfast that “people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.”
Yes, Donald Trump arrived just in time, when our nation needed him most, when we needed to be protected and inspired.
To be sure, Trump was not your typical, politically correct candidate. Unlike the two-faced parasites in Washington, he really wanted to make America great again. They tagged him with every negative characterization they could. They called him a fascist, a racist, and twisted everything he said. Why? Because he was a threat to the greedy, corrupt Washington insiders who had captured our government. And he did what other candidates wouldn’t dream of. In addition to the Establishment, he took on the media. They said it was suicide. They were wrong.
Donald Trump was speaking to the rest of America in a way they understood. He prioritized law and order and the safety of American citizens over criminal illegal immigrants and terrorists. As a Christian, he took on those who made believers uncomfortable for stating their Judeo-Christian beliefs. He stood for the hardworking, forgotten men and women who didn’t get a fair shot at a better life, but were instead made to pay for those who violate the rules. He criticized the $1.7 billion cash transfer of funds to a nation committed to our destruction, as well as the destruction of Israel.
That is why Donald Trump stepped into the spotlight, a patriot who believed in putting America’s interests first, who believed the decline of a great nation was a choice we could reject. He reignited the flame of liberty by swearing to rebuild our bare-bones military. Americans bought into the promise of a man whose views were most like the moral vision of the framers of the Constitution—a man whose philosophy was based not on politics, but reason. Donald Trump understands we are born with certain natural rights that come not from government, but from God, and that government wields power only with the consent of the governed.
The Anti-Trump Conspiracy
When Donald Trump reawakened the American spirit, the establishment was far more corrupt and deeply rooted than we imagined. We knew most politicians enter office with modest means and leave with enormous wealth for themselves or close family members. We knew that one hand washed the other, accepting horse trading across the aisle as the way democracy was supposed to work.
What we didn’t know was how little it mattered which party was in power. It didn’t matter because the Establishment was the power. Once Donald Trump entered the political landscape, a rogues’ gallery of LIARS, LEAKERS, and LIBERALS joined forces to ensure the Establishment stayed in power, regardless of what all those “deplorable” voters wanted.
The anti-Trump movement is a conspiracy by the powerful and connected to overturn the will of the American people. Among the co-conspirators are FBI officials illegally exonerating their favorite candidate of violating well-defined federal criminal statutes, first to help her get elected and then to frame Donald J. Trump for “Russia collusion” that never happened.
It all began when members of the Obama administration, seeking a Hillary Clinton presidency and continuation of Obama’s platform, used the intelligence community to spy on the campaign of the Republican candidate for president. But once the unelected Deep State got on board, the anti-Trump conspiracy grew from mere dirty politics to an assault on our republic itself.
Continuing beyond Election Day and throughout President Trump’s term to date, the LYING, LEAKING, LIBERAL Establishment has sought to nullify the decision of the American people and continue the globalist, open-border oligarchy that the people voted to dismantle in 2016. The perpetrators of this anti-American plot include, but are not limited to, the leadership at the FBI, the CIA, NSA, and other intelligence agencies, the Democrat Party, and perhaps even the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) courts. And let’s not forget the media and entertainment industries that are waging a nonstop propaganda campaign that would render envious their counterparts in the worst totalitarian states of history.
Yes, this is a conspiracy, and you and anyone who loves the America described in our founding documents, are among its victims. The rule of law has become irrelevant and politically motivated fiction has become truth.
The Fake News Media are trying their hardest to deny this conspiracy. One of their arguments is that key players at the FBI and elsewhere are Republicans, meaning they supposedly would not help Democrat Hillary Clinton get elected or Donald Trump be defeated. They’re either missing the point or deliberately ignoring it. Donald Trump was more than a Republican candidate, running against more than the Democrat Party. He was the outsider candidate, the populist candidate, virtually his own party. As far as his voters were concerned, the Establishment’s major parties are meaningless.
Plenty of Republicans lined up against Trump in 2016, even during the general election. National Review did an entire issue during the primaries called “Against Trump” in an attempt to prevent him from winning the nomination. Plenty of Democrats and Independents who voted for Barack Obama in 2012 voted for Trump in 2016. There were two completely new parties in that election: the Swamp Party and the American People’s Party.
The former is comprised of longtime incumbents, entrenched government employees in the intelligence community and Pentagon, popularly known as the “Deep State,” the rest of the DC bureaucracy, the Fake News Media and the connected corporations, with their army of lobbyists. They all had a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. The latter is made up of the forgotten men and women who comprise the real America, on whose backs these globalist elites ride to unprecedented power and wealth, along with those few politicians who remain true to the oaths they took to the Constitution. The American People’s Party is led by the man who gave up the fairy-tale life of a successful billionaire to be their champion: Donald J. Trump.
Yet, despite a media focused on “whack-a-mole” Trump-Russian collusion nonsense, and the haters continuing to hate, the outsider president has thundered forward with his America First agenda. With a Kryptonite-proof aura of invincibility, the forty-fifth president, often working without the support of his own party, has accomplished more during his first year and a half than most presidents in two full terms.
That’s why, in addition to exposing the vast conspiracy against it, I’m going to tell you about the real Trump presidency, which has accomplished so much despite the dark forces arrayed against it. That includes tax reform, a booming economy, record-low unemployment, and a renewed manufacturing base. ISIS is vanquished, there are historic peace talks on the Korean peninsula, and we are moving toward a more mutually respectful relationship with China. I’m talking about fairer trade with partners who have run roughshod over previous administrations, cared little for what happened to most Americans as long as their Wall Street and corporate donors kept the contributions flowing.
You haven’t heard much about the real Trump presidency, because the media we rely on for news are part of the dishonest “Resistance.” They’re too busy pushing distorted or flatly untrue narratives against Donald Trump to simply report on the great things happening in their own country under his leadership.
In this book you’ll hear all about the accomplishments of this historic presidency, but first let’s shine a light on the rogues’ gallery of LIARS, LEAKERS, and LIBERALS who will stop at nothing to bring down a duly elected president and keep you, the American people, from taking your country back.
Lying, Liberal Fake News and Fiction
When it comes to politics, I’ve been around. I’ve won four elections and lost one. While doing
so, I’ve had my share of good press, bad press, and blatantly untrue and unfair press. But in my four decades in law enforcement, politics, and television, I’ve never seen anything like the way the media treats President Trump.
It’s one thing to publish slanted, misleading, or demonstrably false stories during a presidential campaign. It’s another to publish lies. The media outdid themselves in that respect during the 2016 election. And, it didn’t end with the election. Can you remember the last time the media continued vilifying the winner of a presidential election after an inauguration with as much negative coverage as Donald Trump has endured?
No, of course you can’t, because the media’s treatment of President Trump is unprecedented. The LIBERAL press didn’t like George W. Bush. It despised Richard Nixon. But nothing the media wrote or said about either of them compares to the unabashed hatred they’ve displayed toward Donald Trump. Forget the customary honeymoon the media usually give presidents during their first hundred days; Donald Trump wasn’t given even a hundred hours. As Kellyanne Conway put it, “We are well beyond describing the bent as ‘liberal’ or ‘biased.’ They are chasing stories that don’t matter to most of America.”
A year and a half later, they haven’t relented, not even a little. At the 2018 White House Correspondents’ Dinner (a tradition going back almost a hundred years), President Trump, and anyone associated with him, was assaulted with hateful remarks by whiny-voiced Michelle Wolf. Now, don’t get me wrong, I have attended several of these dinners and understand part of the tradition is some good-natured ribbing of the president and his administration. No one likes a well-delivered jab better than I do.
Let’s be honest. There was a marked difference between the “jokes” made by Michelle Wolf about the president, Kellyanne Conway and, especially, Sarah Sanders, and the ribbing directed at President Obama or any of his predecessors. Wolf’s comments were way over the line of even edgy comedy. Can you imagine if a conservative guest speaker insulted Susan Rice’s or Michelle Obama’s appearance, even as part of a supposed comedy routine? Apparently, liberals have no problem with such treatment of a woman, as long as she is in some way connected to Donald Trump.